Saturday, September 15, 2018

Thursday, August 23, 2018

The Most Important Book

What is the most valuable book you can read? It has to be worth your time. It has to benefit your life. Not only your current life but also your next life. I'm referring to the Bible. If you only read one book in the future make it the Bible. It will have lasting effects. It will not only save you from much suffering in this life but also much agony in the afterlife. We live in a fortunate time. We not only have available plenty of modern translations but we also have access to digital and audible versions. And we will be judged accordingly. 

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Nonfiction vs fiction

Is your reading for the purpose of entertainment or education. I suggest that you concentrate on nonfiction for educational purposes. Focus on things like textbooks which will benefit your brain. Novels can have some benefit but nonfiction is so much more beneficial. All reading is good. It is like exercise for the brain. But nonfiction gives you information that will benefit you in real life.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

DIY College

Why borrow $60,000 a year in student loans to go to a college or university? All you get is some professor assigning you to read some overpriced textbook (for which he is getting a huge proportion of your money). When you can read a reasonably priced ($25 0r less) digital version of a textbook on a Kindle. Go Kindle Textbooks Website  now and see what is available. Why use your Kindle to read romance novels or mysteries when you can be reading material that will benefit you for life? True, you won't get a degree or be able to ask questions. But you won't end up with a huge student loan to pay off.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Audible Books

Only 50% of this world's population can read. They say that the ability to read is human's highest achievements. To have the ability to communicate verbally is certainly up there. But to have the ability to communicate through the written page is far more superior. To be able to record your thoughts down in a book means your thought will remain long beyond this life.

Before the printing press it was only the elite who could read. Today we are once again losing readers. Even in developed countries the number of illiterates is increasing. Even among literates they rarely read a book. Videos are becoming the new books. I wonder how long our libraries can survive.

Will book publishing be able to survive? What happened to the joy of reading? We are commiting suicide by technology. People are turning to YouTube instead of the library. 

Will authors even exist in the future? Today's readers are dying off. The younger generation do not read. 

Monday, April 2, 2018

Syringe For The Brain

What if you could simply inject new knowledge into your brain? Well, you can. Simply by reading. By reading you can acquire the latest knowledge. You can surpass even some of the greatest minds of the past like Thomas Edison because there have been a multitude of discoveries since his lifetime.

All you have to do is read. But you must choose your books carefully. Stick with nonfiction. Choose current books that include the latest research. We live in exciting times. There has been an explosion of knowledge in just the last few years.

Those older folks who have graduated decades ago are living in the past if they have been too busy to read and keep up with advances in their field.  In fact, younger people who have recently graduated are usually more qualified than their elders in their field.

So read.